Apps can track: privacy tips and checks

(When you have used these resources please tell us what you think here)

footprint image for apps can trap

What happens when your child downloads an app?

How much of your child's personal information is requested?

How much data is actually collected and transferred to others?

And what do those others do with it?

To help you answer these questions, read on!

Or go straight to our Top 50 children's android apps in Australia- AppCensus privacy checks

Privacy tips

Dr Kim Le, child and adolescent psychiatrist, explains why protecting children’s privacy is really important

Martha (mother of 3) gives her view on why we should care

Privacy Law and You

Australian privacy law does not provide sufficient protection for children: it's up to parents.

Martha explains what information is being collected

Martha explains three steps to take

  • A brief summary on talking to 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, 13-15 and 16-18 year olds (.docx / .pdf)
  • For more detail (.docx / .pdf)

Martha explains how to talk to your 3-5 year old

Privacy checks

ACCM, in partnership with AppCensus (USA), has developed a parent-friendly privacy check for the most popular Android apps played by children in Australia. We apply these checks to each of the current Top 50 children's apps (tested in Australia), and will continue to update this list regularly.

The meaning and significance of the data gathered through these checks needs some explanation, so we recommend that you look at our guides here:

  • A brief guide to the AppCensus privacy analyses (.docx / .pdf)
  • Finding privacy-protective apps using AppCensus (Powerpoint .pptx)
  • AppCensus co-founder, Dr Serge Egelman, explains the importance of the AppCensus system (.docx / .pdf)

Further information

Promotional Leaflet and Poster

And here's the current list of: Top 50 Children's Android Apps in Australia – AppCensus Privacy Check

Can't find the app review?

If the app you are looking for is not in the Top 50 list, try searching for it on the 'All privacy checks' page.

You can also contact us if you have suggestions of children's apps that we can check for tracking data.