Media Codes, Guidelines and Standards

There is a range of Codes and Standards for different media. Here’s what you should be able to expect from each.

1. Television and radio

Most Codes are self-regulated, but all television and radio codes are overseen by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Free to air television

  1.  FreeTV Code of practice (self-regulated)
  2. Children’s television standards  (legal force) - The Australian Communications and Media Authority- Standards for Children’s and Preschool Children’s Television
  • Community TV (self-regulated)

Pay television

ASTRA codes (self-regulated)


Commercial Radio Australia

2. Advertising

Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) (self regulatory)

The AANA has a range of Codes covering different situations and audiences

Outdoor advertising

3. Internet

  • The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) maintains registers of codes of practice for internet service providers and content service providers, made under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 and the Interactive Gambling Act 2001.
  1. Australian Internet Security Initiative Online Codes
  2. Corporate responsibilities - online regulations


4. Cinema films, DVDs and videos

These are required to be classified by the (Commonwealth) Classification Board

5. Games

All games for sale or hire are required to be classified by (Commonwealth) Classification Board

6. Publications (incl books and magazines)

These are required to be classified by the (Commonwealth) Classification Board only if they may fall into Restricted categories

7. Press

8. Music lyrics

Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA)

9. Telecommunications – premium services

  • Telecommunications Alliance
  1. Premium services guide
  2. Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code


10. Privacy

The ACMA has Codes for privacy in broadcast media