This is a Japanese cartoon about a young boy Kubo who has to look after his sick Mother, and protect himself from the evil spirits of his ancestors. Kubo makes money to look after himself and his Mother by telling enchanting and exciting stories to the villagers.
One day Kubo makes the mistake of returning home after sunset. As the dark falls, the evil spirits of his mother’s sisters awake to come and capture Kubo. Kubo has to run from them and is joined by two friends, Monkey and Beetle. Together they must find a magical suit of armour that was worn by Kubo’s father when he was alive. In the end Kubo has to fight with his evil grandfather, the Moon King, so that he can remain mortal and human.
There are quite a lot of violent scenes in this movie including:
There are also several scary scenes, which would frighten young kids such as:
The messages of the movie are the importance of family and that everyone has his or her own special story,
Content is age appropriate for children this age
Some content may not be appropriate for children this age. Parental guidance recommended
Content is not age appropriate for children this age
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