AANA seeks to head off ban on targetting children November 9, 2015

The Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) will release a discussion paper today advocating the removal of gambling ads intended to appeal to children or exploit youth culture. The proposed code would not carry financial penalties for breaches, which would be determined by the Advertising Standards Board. As with other advertising codes, advertisers would bear the cost  of removing non-compliant ads.

Read the media release on the AANA website

ACCM CEO Barbara Biggins comments:

So 'reference to advertising was cut from the O’Farrell review terms of reference after intense lobbying by broadcast interests", but the AANA's proposed Code will fix the problems. And "advertisers would bear the cost and ignominy of pulling non-compliant ads". So that's all right then. We can all relax: children will be protected.    Let's hope that gambling promoters are attending the Rights of the Child Consumer conference in Sydney this month. There's a lot to learn.

Read the mUmBRELLA article about this

Read the AANA discussion paper

The final date for submissions is Friday 18 December 2015