Australian launch of Geckolife - a safe social media site April 9, 2015

Social media site GeckoLife, which is promoted as being designed with children’s safety in mind, has been launched in Australia. Rajeev Gupta, the Australian-based co-CEO of GeckoLife, says the website is free to all users, and gives parents of pre-teens the ability to oversee all connections, engagements and online content to which their children have access.

Using what GeckoLife calls ‘canvases’, parents and pre-teens can interact together online, sharing images, videos, updates and comments. Each canvas has its own privacy settings, allowing parents to closely monitor what their children post online and to determine who can see, and participate in, the conversation.

US based organisation Common Sense Media has included GeckoLife on its list of Hidden Gems - good alternatives to something age-inappropriate that children are asking for.