Pocket Champs: 3D Racing Games - Madbox

image for Pocket Champs: 3D Racing Games

Short takes

Pocket Champs is a racing game based on luck. Not suitable under 9; parental guidance to 18 (excessive advertising, in-app purchases, easy access to the app store. CAUTION: gambling elements)


Contains some elements of gambling

This review of Pocket Champs: 3D Racing Games was completed by the Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM) on 18 July 2023.

About the app

This section contains details about the app provided by an ACCM Reviewer.

Name of app: Pocket Champs: 3D Racing Games
Developed by: Madbox
Platform reviewed: Google Play
Cost: Free
Developer's suggested age: G for general
ACCM suggested age: Not suitable under 9 and parental guidance recommended to 18 due to elements resembling gambling. Offline play is also recommended.
Gambling content advice: Contains some elements of gambling. This game may contain devices which mimic those found in a casino; but the player is not risking something of value to play. Refer to the gambling section of this review for further details

ACCM review

This review of Pocket Champs: 3D Racing Games contains the following information:

The level to which the game was reviewed

Race 11 of level 4

App description

Pocket Champs is a racing game, based on luck, in which the player’s ‘champ’ competes against several other random competitors, also ‘champs’, in various races to win prizes, points, etc. The game is slow to load and players only have to press the trophy to start a race. They then watch their champ compete in 6 different fields: running, swimming, climbing, flying, gliding and surf boarding. The first three winners gain gold card resource points of 50 for 1st, 30 for 2nd and 10 for 3rd. However, the 4th, 5th and 6th places lose points, ranging from -4 to -15. Other rewards are also gained such as gems and gadgets to help improve the champ’s speed.

Reviewers comments

Pocket Champs is a fun game to play with no skills required, however, it depends a lot on luck and purchasing of extra gadgets to increase the speed of your champ. This is problematic for young children as research has found that elements of chance and purchasing of loot boxes can cause them emotional harm.

Players can also watch adverts to gain extra gems etc. When your champ continually loses, there is pressure to buy some gadgets which can easily be purchased in the app store. There are no parental locks to the app store.

There is also a fortune wheel accessed at a certain level, which players can spin to win more prizes. This does resemble a gambling wheel. For these reasons, this app is not suitable for children under 9 and parental guidance is recommended for all other children playing this game.

In App purchasing

There is In-App purchasing in this game, examples include:

  • Packs of 80 gems can be purchased for $1.59
  • Packs of 500 gems can be purchased for $7.99
  • Packs of 1100 gems can be purchased for $15.99
  • Packs of 2500 gems can be purchased for $30.99
  • Packs of 6500 gems can be purchased for $78.99
  • Packs of 14,000 gems can be purchased for $154.99
  • Other packs include a wolf pack for $15.99; a skate pack for $7.99 and a progress pack for $159.

Gems buy gold resource cards and chests – big, mega and legendary, which contain surprise gadgets and gems.

The ‘shop’ is easily accessed and players only have to click on the ‘buy’ button which will automatically debit the Google Play account. There are no parental locks or restrictions to prevent children buying what they want.

Online information

There is no online information required to play this game.

This game can be played without internet connectivity but some areas are restricted as advertising cannot be played. It is recommended that the internet is disconnected for play as this will also restrict in-app purchasing.


There are some gambling elements in this game, for example:

  • The game is entirely based on luck and random chance. Winning or losing are both possible and induces a sense of addiction to keep trying.
  • A wheel of fortune is an element in the game which can be spun to gain prizes. This resembles a gambling wheel.

Advertising and product placement

There is advertising in this game, including:

  • Adverts can be watched to gain gems, gadgets and other rewards.

Gender stereotypes and sexual references

  • None noted.

Coarse language

  • None noted.

Game playing behaviour which may be of concern to some parents

Please see reviewer’s comments above.

The game has an addictive element which may be of concern to parents.



Got a suggestion?

You can contact us if you have suggestions of other children's apps to review.

About our colour guide

Content is age appropriate for children this age

Some content may not be appropriate for children this age. Parental guidance recommended

Content is not age appropriate for children this age

Privacy advice

These icons signal the use and/or transmission of your personal data. (Please note, not all apps on our website have been checked)

Transmits Sensitive Data
Uses Dangerous Permissions
No Privacy Policy
No tracking found in current check

Gambling content advice

Most games contain elements of risk, chance and knowledge, that is why they are fun to play. There is growing concern about the impacts of simulated gambling games on the health and wellbeing of children. That's why we are identifying games that contain gambling elements on our site. These icons signal simulated gambling activity and where none was noted.

Simulated casino style gambling. Not suitable for minors

Contains some elements of gambling. Some content is not recommended for minors. Parental guidance recommended

No gambling content found in the levels played