Retry - Rivio Entertainment Ltd

image for Retry

Short takes

Retry is a side-scrolling, touch-based flight game. Caution: in-app purchases, online interactivity, advertising.


No gambling content found in the levels played

This review of Retry was completed by the Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM) on 21 February 2015.

About the app

This section contains details about the app provided by an ACCM Reviewer.

Name of app: Retry
Developed by: Rivio Entertainment Ltd
Platform reviewed: Apple App Store, Google Play
Cost: Free
ACCM suggested age: 13+ due to in-app purchasing
Gambling content advice: No gambling content found in the levels played

ACCM review

This review of Retry contains the following information:

The level to which the game was reviewed

This review focuses on levels 1-8

App description

Retry is a flight-based side-scrolling game. The objective is to play through the multiple levels of increasing difficulty, tapping the screen in order to maintain flight for the plane and reach an end checkpoint for each level. The skills required to play are spatial/visual and motor skills.

Reviewers comments

When the app is opened, a small animation of a pixilated plane appears. The game indicates that players must sign in via an email account if they wish to play. Players are then taken to a side-scroller screen where they are instructed to ‘Tap to fly!’. When a finger is pressed on the screen, the plane goes up – if a player keeps their finger on the screen, the plan will rapidly fly straight up into the air vertically. If they tap lightly in brief movements, the plane will fly more smoothly along the path. The aim is to fly the plane towards the end-of-level checkpoint.

If the plane crashes, players are brought back to the beginning of the level. Upon completing a level, players are shown their final scores in regards to the distance travelled, best time, number of crashes and points obtained. The levels become increasingly challenging to complete as players progress through the game – more obstacles are put in the way, coins are placed in harder-to-reach locations, and routes become longer.

Along the path of flight, players can do flips in their plane, collect coins (which are then used to mark retry points), etc. The app also contains a list of possible achievements to obtain – these incorporate things such as ‘Collecting 50 coins’, ‘Opening 50 checkpoints’, ‘Played over 30 hours’, etc.

In App purchasing

Yes: Within the online store, it is possible to use real-life currency to make in-app purchases. These include the ability to purchase packages of coins, including 10 coins for $1.13, 50 coins for $3.40, 40 coins for $2.26 or 200 coins for $10.23.

Online information

At the end of each level, players can tap a button that encourages them to sign in via Facebook – the app offers to give players one coin by connecting.


No gambling content was found during this review.

Advertising and product placement

When a player lands near a small tower checkpoint, there is potential for them to create a retry point (thus meaning they have less far to travel if repeating the level again). To do this, they may elect to use one coin or to watch an advertisement. If a player chooses to watch an ad, they are shown a video ad that cannot be manually closed – a full-screen ad is shown (of another gaming app such as Candy Crush Soda Saga), and must be watched the full way through.

Gender stereotypes and sexual references


Coarse language


Game playing behaviour which may be of concern to some parents

No game playing behaviour which may be of concern to parents was found during this review.



Got a suggestion?

You can contact us if you have suggestions of other children's apps to review.

About our colour guide

Content is age appropriate for children this age

Some content may not be appropriate for children this age. Parental guidance recommended

Content is not age appropriate for children this age

Privacy advice

These icons signal the use and/or transmission of your personal data. (Please note, not all apps on our website have been checked)

Transmits Sensitive Data
Uses Dangerous Permissions
No Privacy Policy
No tracking found in current check

Gambling content advice

Most games contain elements of risk, chance and knowledge, that is why they are fun to play. There is growing concern about the impacts of simulated gambling games on the health and wellbeing of children. That's why we are identifying games that contain gambling elements on our site. These icons signal simulated gambling activity and where none was noted.

Simulated casino style gambling. Not suitable for minors

Contains some elements of gambling. Some content is not recommended for minors. Parental guidance recommended

No gambling content found in the levels played