Tongo Music - Firstconcert Productions

image for Tongo Music

Short takes

This classical music app takes children on a journey through the orchestra exploring strings, wind and plucked instruments. Players can also play piano and percussion instruments and conduct a choir. Fine motor skills required to play. ACCM age recommendation is 4+.


No gambling content found in the levels played

This review of Tongo Music was completed by the Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM) on 18 April 2017.

About the app

This section contains details about the app provided by an ACCM Reviewer.

Name of app: Tongo Music
Developed by: Firstconcert Productions
Platform reviewed: Apple App Store
Cost: Paid
Developer's suggested age: 4+
ACCM suggested age: 4+, made for ages 5 years and under
Gambling content advice: No gambling content found in the levels played

ACCM review

This review of Tongo Music contains the following information:

The level to which the game was reviewed

All areas were played.

App description

This music app introduces children to the magic of classical music with interactive animations and activities. Children will hear classical pieces from Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Mozart and more. Short animated videos depict different animals responding or playing the music as the hero of the app serenades them. Kids can also tap to play a piano, percussion instruments and choir of birds.

Reviewers comments

This classical music app uses interactive animations to take children on an orchestral journey. There are multiple learning opportunities to learn about the sounds generated by different instruments. Children will hear classical pieces and learn about how our voices can be musical instruments in their exploration of a choir of birds. Children may be engaged by the hero of the app with his top hat and the bright, simple illustrations used throughout the app. The sound of birds and animals is audible as this app begins and players can swipe left or right to explore the scenery populated by animals. Tapping on a scene or a particular animal such as a pond, black cat, monkey or elephant, either launches a short musical animation or an activity. Audio samples of music composed by Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Mozart and Liszt are just a few of the musical selections available in these animations.

The 12 musical instrument animations also allow children to see and hear each instrument performed, providing an opportunity to discuss why music is important and how it can be used to communicate. Parents can talk about the tone and tempo of the music, which will encourage children to develop their focus and listening skills. Other learning opportunities include encouraging children to interpret what they are hearing and infer what sort of feeling the composer was trying to create and the story behind the music. The parental handbook (accessible from the homepage) provides information on both the composers and the pieces selected. Children can also test their own composition skills with percussion instruments and a piano and be introduced to musical notes with examples and short exercises.

Parental co-play will help children get the most out of this app and the parental handbook (accessed at the home page) can be used to guide the player’s exploration of the different instruments.  This app provides an opportunity for language development, storytelling and musical appreciation. Parents can discuss the names of different instruments, the type of instrument (strings, wind etc.), the sound they make and even learn about musical notes. Children can also learn about cause and effect as they tap percussion instruments to hear different sounds and tap or swipe the onscreen piano keyboard. Younger children who lack fine motor control may find the musical note dot to dot (accessed by tapping the star) too challenging and may require assistance.

In App purchasing


Online information

Once downloaded the app does not require Internet connectivity to play.


At the time of review, the reviewer found no simulated gambling content. If you discover simulated gambling content in this app, please contact us with the details so we can update our review.

Advertising and product placement

No third party advertising or advertising of other apps by the same developer.

Gender stereotypes and sexual references


Coarse language

No coarse language used.

Game playing behaviour which may be of concern to some parents

No concerns.



Got a suggestion?

You can contact us if you have suggestions of other children's apps to review.

About our colour guide

Content is age appropriate for children this age

Some content may not be appropriate for children this age. Parental guidance recommended

Content is not age appropriate for children this age

Privacy advice

These icons signal the use and/or transmission of your personal data. (Please note, not all apps on our website have been checked)

Transmits Sensitive Data
Uses Dangerous Permissions
No Privacy Policy
No tracking found in current check

Gambling content advice

Most games contain elements of risk, chance and knowledge, that is why they are fun to play. There is growing concern about the impacts of simulated gambling games on the health and wellbeing of children. That's why we are identifying games that contain gambling elements on our site. These icons signal simulated gambling activity and where none was noted.

Simulated casino style gambling. Not suitable for minors

Contains some elements of gambling. Some content is not recommended for minors. Parental guidance recommended

No gambling content found in the levels played