2007 Archive

  • Barnes, G et al (2007) Adolescents’ time use: Effects on substance use, delinquency & sexual activity. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, Vol. 36, No. 5, Pp 697-710
  • Barr, R; et al (2007) Age-related changes in deferred imitation from television by 6-to 18-month-olds. Developmental Science, Vol. 10, No. 6, Pp910-921
  • Barradas, DT; et al (2007) Parental influences on youth television viewing. Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 151, No. 4, Pp369-373
  • Bell, BT; Lawton, R; Dittmar, H (2007) The impact of thin models in music videos on adolescent girls’ body dissatisfaction. Body Image, Vol. 4, No. 2, Pp137-145
  • Bryant, MJ, Lucove, JC, Evenson, KR, Marshall, S, (2007) Measurement of television viewing in children & adolescents: A systematic review. Obesity Reviews May 2007
  • Chandler, J (2007) The virtual generation. The Age, 14 August 2007
  • Chowhan, J; Stewart, JM (2007) Television and the behavior of adolescents: Does socio-economic status moderate the link? Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 65, No. 7, Pp1324-1336
  • Christakis, D & Zimmerman, F Early television viewing is associated with protesting turning off television at age 6. Medscape General Medicine Vol. 8, No. 2
  • Ekstrom, K; Tufte, B (eds) (2007) Children, media & consumption: On the edge. Nordicom.
  • Fitzpatrick, E, Edmunds, L & Dennison, B Positive effects of family dinner are undone by television viewing, Journal of the American Dietetic Association Vol. 107, No. 4, Pp 666-671
  • Foley, JT; Beets, MW; Bryan, R. (2007) "Parental role in reducing television viewing in kindergartners: Findings from national study." Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, Vol. 78, No. 1, Feb 2007
  • Flynn, BS et al (2007) Youth audience segmentation strategies for smoking-prevention mass media campaigns based on message appeal. Health Education & Behavior, Vol. 34, No. 4, Pp578-593
  • Gentile, DA; Gentile, JR (2007) Violent video games as exemplary teachers: a conceptual analysis. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, Vol. 37, No. 2, Pp127-141
  • Gilissen, R et al (2007) Physiological reactions of preschoolers to fear-inducing film clips: Effects of temperamental fearfulness and quality of the parent-child relationship Developmental Psychobiology, Vol. 49, No. 2, Pp 187-195
  • Greenwood, DN; (2007) Are female action heroes risky role models? Character identification, idealization, and viewer aggression. Sex Roles, Vol. 57, No. 9-10, Pp725-732
  • Hawk, ST; Vanwesenbeeck, I; de Graaf, H; Bakker, F. (2006) "Adolescents’ contact with sexuality in mainstream media: A selection-based perspective." Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 43, No.4, Nov 2006
  • Heim, J et al (2007) Children’s use of media technologies and psychosocial factors. New Media & Society, Vol. 9, No. 3. Pp 425-454
  • Heins, E; Seitz, C; Schuz, J; Toschke AM; Harth, K; Letzel, S; Bohler, E [Bedtime, television & computer habits of primary school children in Germany] [Article in German] Gesundheitswegen, Vol. 69, No. 3, March 2007 Pp151-7
  • Himes, SM; Thompson, JK (2007) Fat stigmatization in television shows & movies: A content analysis. Obesity
    Vol. 15, No. 3, Pp 712-8
  • Hofer, T; et al (2007) Infants’ perception of goal-directed actions on video. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, Vol. 25, No. Part 3, Pp485-498
  • Jackson, Set al (2007) Children’s media use and responses : a review of the literature. Wellington: New Zealand Broadcasting Standards Authority
  • Johnson, JG, Cohen, P, Kasen, S, Brook, J (2007) Extensive television viewing & the development of attention & learning difficulties during adolescence Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine Vol. 161, No. 5
  • Jordan, Amy (2004) The Role of Media in Children's Development: An Ecological Perspective. Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Vol. 25, No. 3, June 2004, p. 196–206.
  • Kelly, J; Smith, SL (2007) "Now you see ‘em, now you don’t: Gender & racial disparity in TV for children" See Jane Program, Mar 2007,
  • Kutner, LA; et al (2007) Parents’ and sons’ perspectives on video game play - a qualitative study. Journal of Adolescent Research, Vol. 23, No. 1, Pp76-96
  • Laugesen, M; et al (2007) R-rated film viewing and adolescent smoking. Preventive Medicine, Vol. 45, No. 6, Pp454-459
  • Lee, D; Larose, R (2007) A social-cognitive model of video game usage. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol. 51, No. 4, Pp632-650
  • Lee, SJ; et al (2007) Children’s Internet use in a family context: Influence on family relationships and parental mediation.
    Cyberpsychology & Behavior, Vol. 10, No. 5, Pp640-644
  • Lei, L et al (2007) Adolescents’ paternal attachment and Internet use. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, Vol. 10, No. 5, Pp633-639
  • Liebau, C. P (2007) Prude: How the sex-obsessed culture damages girls (and America too!) Center Street
  • Lemish, D (2007) Children and television: A global perspective. Oxford: Blackwell
  • Landhuis, C,et al (2007) Does television viewing lead to attention problems in adolescence? Results from a prospective longitudinal study. Pediatrics, Vol. 120, No. 3, Pp 532-537.
  • Madell, DE & Muncer, SJ (2007) Control over social interactions: An important reason for young people’s use of the Internet and mobile phones for communication? Cyberpsychology & Behavior Vol.10, No. 1, Pp 137-140
  • Martin, G. (2007) Editorial: On the impact of television on young people. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, Vol. 6, No. 2
  • McCall, J (2007) Viewer discretion advised: Taking control of mass media influences Rowman & Littlefield
  • Mcallister, KS (2007) Unit operations: An approach to videogame criticism. New Media & Society, Vol. 9, No. 6, Pp1039-1042
    McNeal, J (2007) On becoming a consumer: Development of consumer behavior patterns in childhood. Elsevier/Butterworth Heinemann; Oxford
  • Mead, S (2007) Million dollar babies: Why infants can’t be hardwired for success. Education Sector
  • Mistry, KB et al (2007) Children’s television exposure and behavioral and social outcomes at 5.5 years: does timing of exposure matter? Pediatrics, Vol. 120, No. 4, Pp762-769
  • Montgomery, K (2007) Generation Digital: Politics and Commerce in the Age of the Internet MIT Press
  • Moriguchi, Y; et al (2007) Disinhibition transmits from television to young children. Psychologia, Vol. 50, No. 4, Pp308-318
  • Murray, JP & Murray, AD (2008) Television in infancy & early childhood Encyclopedia of Infancy & Early Childhood Oxford: Elsevier Publishers, (forthcoming/in press).
  • Nairn, A; Ormond, J; Bottomley,P (2007) Watching, wanting and wellbeing: Exploring the links:A study of 9 to 13 year olds. National Consumer Council
  • Olsen, CK; et al (2007) The role of violent video game content in adolescent development - boys’ perspectives. Journal of Adolescent Research, Vol. 23, No. 1, Pp55-75
  • Peter, J; Valkenberg, PM (2007) "Adolescents exposure to a sexualised media environment & their notions of women as sex objects." Sex Roles, Vol. 56, No. 5-6, Mar 2007
  • Peterson, SH; et al (2007) Images of sexual stereotypes in rap videos and the health of African American female adolescents. Journal of Women’s Health, Vol. 16, No. 8, Pp1157-1164
  • Potter, W; Riddle, K (2007) A content analysis of the media effects literature Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 84, No. 1, Pp 90-104
  • Propper, RE, Stickgold, R, Keeley, R, Christman, S (2007) Is television traumatic? Dreams, stress and media exposure in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 Psychological Science Vol.18, No.4
  • Rickwood, D; Fleming, MJ (2007) Mixed messages in children’s prosocial television programs. Australian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 58, Supplement, P 185
  • Rideout, V (2007) Parents, Children & the Media. Kaiser Family Foundation
  • Rogow, F (2007) Two view or not two view: A review of the research literature on the advisability of television viewing for infants and toddlers Insighters Educational Consulting
  • Seal-Wanner, C (2007) eTeens: Teens & technology: The perfect storm? Television Quarterly Vol.37, No.2
  • Tanimura, M; Okuma, K; Kyoshima, K (2007) Television viewing, reduced parental utterance & delayed speech development in infants and young children. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Vol. 161, No. 6, Pp 618-619
  • Tomopoulos, S et al (2007) Media content & externalising behaviors in Latino toddlers. Ambulatory Pediatrics Vol. 7, No. 3, Pp 232-238.
  • Valkenburg, PM & Valkenburg, PJ (2007) Preadolescents’ & adolescents’ online communication & their closeness to friends Developmental Psychology Vol. 43, No. 2, Pp 267-277
  • van Zutphen, M et al (2007) Association between the family environment & television viewing in Australian children. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, Vol. 43, No. 6, Pp 458-63
  • Vandewater, E et al (2007) “Digital childhood: Electronic Media and technology use among infants” Pediatrics, Vol. 119, No. 5.
  • Wahl, O; Hanrahan, E; Karl, K;Lasher, E; Swaye, J (2007) "The depiction of mental illnesses in children’s television programs." Journal of Community Psychology, Vol. 35, No. 1, Jan 2007
  • Zimmerman, FJ; et al (2007) Associations between media viewing and language development in children under age 2 years. Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 151, No. 4, Pp 364-368
  • Zimmerman, F et al (2007) “Television & DVD/Video viewing in children younger than 2 years”. Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, Vol. 161, No 5.