2008 Archive

  • Beullens, K; Van den Bulck, J  (2008) News, music videos and action movie exposure and adolescents’ intentions to take risks in traffic. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 40, No. 1, Pp349-356
  • Biggins, B & Handsley, E (2008) The new sexualised childhood: a case of corporate creep. Reform, No 92, Winter 2008, Pp57-60
  • Cook, J; Main, W (2008) What is a princess? Developing an animated TV program for small girls. Australian Feminist Studies, Vol 23, No 57, Pp 401-415
  • Crosnoe, R; Trinitapoli, R (2008) Shared family activities and the transition from childhood into adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, Vol. 18, No. 1, Pp23-48
  • Drotner, K & Livingstone, S (2008) International handbook of children, media and culture. Sage Publications, Hard Cover, ISBN: 9781412928328
  • Edgar, Don & Patricia (2008) The new child. Wilkinson Publishing Pty Ltd
  • Egan, R; Hawkes, G (2008) Girls, sexuality and  the strange carnalities of advertisements- Deconstructing the discourse of corporate paedophilia. Australian Feminist Studies, Vol 23, No 57, Pp 307-322
  • Fuller, HA; Damico, AM (2008) Keeping pace with teen media use: Implications and strategies for educators. Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 101, No. 6, Pp323-330
  • Hoffner, CA; et al (2008) Socialization to work in late adolescence: the role of television and family. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol. 52, No. 2, Pp282-302
  • Masur, EF & Flynn, V (2008) Infant and mother-infant play and the presence of the television. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Vol. 29, No. 1, Pp76-83
  • Persky, S & Blascovich, J  (2008) Immersive virtual video game play and presence: influences on aggressive feelings and behavior. Presence-Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, Vol. 17, No. 1, Pp57-72
  • Potts, R; Belden, A; Reese, C (2008) Young adults’ retrospective reports of childhood television viewing. Communication Research, Vol. 35, No. 1, Pp39-60
  • Scheibelhofer, P & Pollak, A (2008) Animated cartoons as media of perception for children and youths. SWS-Rundschau, Vol. 48, No. 2, Pp122-141
  • Schmidt, ME; et al (2008) The effects of background television on the toy play behavior of very young children. Child Development, Vol. 79, No. 4, Pp1137-1151
  • Smallwood, AMK (2008) Sesame Street and the reform of children’s television. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol. 52, No. 2, Pp323-324
  • Walsh, SP; White, KM; Young, RM (2008) Over-connected? A qualitative exploration of the relationship between Australian youth and their mobile phones. Journal of Adolescence, Vol. 31, No. 1, Pp77-92